• Travel

    “New York City!!!” by N&J

    New York, NY (Oct 23/18) – Traveling in the USA has not been top of mind for most Canadians considering the ongoing political shenanigans down south (agent-orange-in-chief), but if you were to venture below the 49th parallel… New York City is one of those places that you should visit. It feels like a different country, one where liberal values are alive & well, where you feel welcome (still) no matter what your skin colour, your authenticity, your birthplace. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery N&J’s journey started at YVR (Vancouver’s airport) where N surprised J with a treat, no longer to be ‘imprisoned’…

  • WJ News

    “Go North, Young Man (and Lady)” by N&J.

    Whistler, BC (Jul 25/2016)  –  N&J have been residing in their downtown Vancouver condo for just under 2 years, major renovations have been completed (kitchen & bathrooms, interior painted, outdoor deck garden rejuvenated), all mainly done by themselves (with some assistance from their most competent friend D)… when they decided time for a new challenge. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery Thinking a house with a backyard, something that was NOT strata. Living in Vancouver on the westside was definitely not within the budget. Maybe Victoria or Oak Bay, a place to moor the sailboat, close to family… but alas not a lot…

  • Travel

    “All Aboard!!!” by N&J.

    Vancouver, BC (Mar 13/16)  –  As chance would have it, N was offered an opportunity to speak at a medical conference in Montreal in February. So it was decided to take advantage and have a mini vacation out east. Of course HOBBES was not included in this adventure, but he was always in N&J’s thoughts. Consider this a reconnaissance of a future road trip across Canada. Sadly JESSE the cat could not be along for the ride, fortunately some friends volunteered to stay with the ‘King’ while we were away. This was a difficult separation for N&J (and JESSE too). Thanks to M, and to D for stepping in as…

  • Summer 2015

    “Itchy Feet” by N&J.

    Vancouver, BC (Dec 20/15)  –  For those who keep tabs on N&J through this blog, it is very apparent they didn’t travel too far in 2015. Yes indeed they had a few local camp trips. But nothing like the long journeys from the previous two seasons, travel encompassing multiple US states & a few Canadian provinces… click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery They returned to the site of last year’s honeymoon for N&J, on Ross Lake in Washington State. This time enjoying the summer heat for three weeks, it was incredible weather. Luckily avoided any conditions brought by the drought-like weather patterns, forest fires…

  • WJ News

    “A New Season” by N&J.

    Vancouver, BC (Jul 25/15)  –  It has been quite a while since N&J’s last post at Christmas. They have been very busy doing upgrades to their ‘city home’ in Vancouver; a new kitchen is just one of the many changes along with new LED lighting. The patio garden has been prodded & poked, a large veggie garden added in the corner allowing us to grow their own food. Jesse (the cat & reigning monarch) has settled in quite nicely, he is now exploring the outside deck of his abode under the watchful eye of his parents (servants). He especially loves to hide among the rhodos and the other foliage that…

  • Christmas

    “Christmas at Home” by N&J.

    Vancouver, BC (Dec 20/14)  –  Almost 2 months since N&J returned from their roadtrip… Life at home is hectic compared to living on the road in Hobbes. Certainly enjoying the facilities though… especially the shower when you want it. But life in a Westfalia camper van is very blissful, little to worry about (where is the next free WiFi ?), everything you have & need is contained within the van… and life on the road is filled with the most amazing people you meet along the way. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery Re-adjusting to life at home has been fun too. The…

  • Roadtrip 2014

    “Oh! Canada” by N&J.

    Vancouver, BC (Oct 27/14)  –  The return to Canada happened at the Roosville crossing just south of Fernie, BC (near Cranbrook). Compared to last year when Canadian Border Services searched GIZMO for over 2 hours (found nothing… nothing to find), this time the crossing was made in less than 5 minutes. Irregardless the CBS people have always been very respectful & polite as they go about their duties. After a brief shopping stop in Cranbrook, the destination was the sleepy mountain town of Kimberley, BC. where a scrumptous dinner at the Mozart Brew Pub was had. The town is definitely in-between seasons as the streets were very quiet & dark,…

  • Roadtrip 2014

    “Highway to the Danger Zone” by N&J.

    Eureka, Montana (Oct 16/14)  –  It soon was very apparent to these travelers that something was definitely askew by the amount of white crosses along the highway. Montana has taken upon itself to install markers anywhere a highway motor vehicle death has occurred. WOW!!! The carnage is unbelievable. Astonished by the sheer numbers of crosses in such a short distance, N&J started counting and clocking the distance.  Over a 100 mile stretch and losing count after 100 it was obvious that a ‘person per mile’ has died along the bi-ways. Most of the crosses would be near corners & areas with double solid lines, obviously drivers are passing where they…

  • Roadtrip 2014

    “In Hot Water… AGAIN !!!” by N&J.

    Gardiner, Montana (Oct 13/14)  –  Traveling north through the State of Wyoming embracing the rolling hills, scenic visuals and the warm sunshine made for a pleasant drive. Tunes playing on the radio, Jesse snuggling on the co-pilot’s lap. Hobbes continuing to have ‘leakage’ (oil), nothing insurmountable but it definitely requires continuous monitoring. The long journey of the last couple days meant N&J needed some quality ‘shower’ time, so a visit to the hot springs in Thermopolis, WY was a must. Same place was visited last year, an incredible facility… free too! The Native American people who had discovered it, agreed to turn the natural spring over to the state park…

  • Roadtrip 2014

    “Land of Enchantment” by N&J.

    Fort Collins, Colorado (Oct 10/14)  –  ‘Goodnight N’, ‘Goodnight J’, ‘Sweet Dreams Little Jesse’… the first night together there was peace and happiness in everyone’s hearts… thankful to all being together and knowing that it was ‘right’, the three fell asleep, content.  Waking up the next morning to a wonderful Albuquerque, NM sunrise & huge colourful balloons adorning the skyline, the Annual Balloon Festival (one of the best small town festivals in North America) welcoming the day. Apparently ‘ballooners’ from around the globe touch down in Albuquerque every year to participate. The spectacle is to be seen, so quiet, so graceful how the balloonist manoeuvre the giant masterpieces in the…