• Roadtrip 2014

    “HeeHaw!” by N&J.

    St. George, Utah (Sep 18/14)  –  After much discussion, it was decided to forgo driving through Death Valley and drive the route north of the National Park. The elevation gains (climb 5000’ in 13 miles) & the intense heat were too daunting of a task for Hobbes.  As it turned out the alternate route was quite a climb, but it was incredible. Bristlecone pine trees (some as old as 4000 years old), look gnarley & distorted among the rocky white desert. The winding road to the top was very steep, the canyons narrow (at one point the highway was 1 lane only through a gap in the rock). Traveling down…

  • Roadtrip 2014

    “Scrub-a-Dub” by N&J.

    Eastern High Sierras, California (Sep 16/14)  –  Ghost towns are alluring as they provide a glimpse into the past, a romantic ideation and flirtation of a time gone by.  Bodie, a town of 10,000 in it’s 1880’s heyday of mining gold, gambling and prostitution is left intact like the day it was vacated; the store shelves stocked with provisions from the early 1900’s, the schoolhouse with the day’s assignment on the chalkboard, and clothes hanging in the closets.  The air heavy with dust and the stories Bodie holds tight create an eerie ‘un-comfortable-ness’.  The abandonment seemed rushed, loose ends were still loose ends, it seemed nothing was taken by the…

  • Roadtrip 2014

    “Yosemite !!!” by N&J.

    Yosemite National Park, California (Sep 14/14)  –  A wonderful place to visit. High expectations, high elevations… the eastern park entrance at Tioga Pass topped out at 9,980’, truly a long climb for Hobbes, thankfully the temperature was moderate. Coming in to Tuolumne Meadows the tall grasses reach out welcoming those who enter, and in awe… inspires one to continue on.  John Muir, a Scottish-born American environmentalist (before it became popular), spoke of “going to the mountains is going home”. For N&J this quote speaks volumes. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery The first night was in the High Sierra at Porcupine Creek, a…

  • Roadtrip 2014

    “Honeymoon Suite” by N&J.

    Lake Tahoe, Nevada (Sep 07/14)  –  Hobbes adorned with “Newlyweds” on the back window, “Love”, “N+J” on the sides… passerby’s honk, and others intrigued stop to hear the love story. Excited to share the fairytale over and over again like it is the first time… never tiring of the smile that it brings to people’s faces.  New found friends along the road eager to hear more… every detail pronounced. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery The “Honeymoon Suite” while attracting much attention, affords the newlyweds definitely more privacy and no room for guests (couch-surfers… LOL! ). When the moment arises to find a…

  • Roadtrip 2014

    “Decompression & Healing” by N&J.

    Pyramid Lake, Nevada (Sep 03/14)  –  N&J exited Burning Man (BM) earlier than planned (on Saturday evening before the burning of the man); N took ill with significant dehydration, nausea and vomiting, muscle pain and drop in blood pressure leading to an ambulance ride (yes Burning Man has everything!!!) to the ‘Rampart Medical Facility’ on the Playa. The ‘MASH-like hospital’ inside a maze of tents, air conditioned, a multitude of doctors & nurses (all volunteers working 12 hour shifts around the clock), the quality of care was excellent. No medical card required, no credit card, nothing… only place in the USA with free medical. N received 2 litres of intravenous…

  • Roadtrip 2014

    “We Got a Burning Desire” by N&J.

    Black Rock City, Nevada (Sep 01/14)  –  Yes that time has rolled by again… Burning Man 2014 (BM). Last year was the first time for both N&J attending BM (as friends)… this time they are more than that, waaaay more than that, they are married!!! Preparations well under way, Hobbes has been readied for the journey, all systems go… BM clothing & costumes, tents, playa survival gear such as vinegar, eye drops, dust masks, and cases of baby wipes are stuffed into every nook & cranny. Thank goodness they have the small trailer (Calvin) to take on the extra load. The last trip to Black Rock City in Nevada was…