• Yukon 2020

    “The Arctic… Oh so very close!!!“ by N&J

    Watson Lake, YK (Sep 28/20) – This is not a sign you see everyday… “Arctic Ocean 880 km”. The location of that sign was at the intersection where the Dempster Hwy meets the Klondike Hwy, south of Dawson City… the sign beckonds the travelers to make the turn, enter a new world of possibilities. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery Driving the almost 900km to the end of the Dempster Hwy terminating at Tuktoyaktuk, NWT, was not considered (nor possible at this time of the year; the last portion is an ice road and only passable in the winter), but the 100km drive…

  • Yukon 2020

    “Yukon Gold” by N&J

    Dawson City, YK (Sep 24/20) – Something magical about entering the Yukon Territory, at first the terrain looks similar to BC, the mountains, the streams & rivers… but interspersed with the green evergreens are the golden spruce & birch trees…. catching the eye so profoundly they are alive and produce a guttural feeling, a yearning, and their call entice you northward. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery Upon crossing the border from BC you are welcomed by a Yukon health official asking the usual ‘Covid’ questions. As BC residents are permitted without quarantine, the process was quick. C&O went through first and were…

  • Yukon 2020

    “Bear!!!…. necessities” by N&J

    Dease Lake, BC (Sep 19/20) – Leaving Fraser Lake, the journey made a hard right onto Hwy 37 at the junction near Kitwanga, BC. New territory for J who has never been up this route, considering the reputation of the northern roads, J was pleased with the condition of the pavement and happy the potholes were few and far between… click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery N drove this highway in the middle of winter over 25 years ago while on a northern community speaking tour. At that time the passage narrow, snow piled above the tree line making the vehicle feel like…

  • Yukon 2020

    “Chasing Blue Skies” by N&J

    New Hazelton, BC (Sep 15/20) – The air quality in Whistler (and a good portion of the province) was fast declining due to the invasion of smoke particulate from the wildfires raging to the south in California, Oregon and Washington States. Hazy infiltration of the mountaintops evident upon rising for the day, the smell of smoke & the visual impediment was startling noticeable, gone were the pristine green mountain vistas & robin egg blue skies that were prevalent all summer. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery The road north of Whistler through Duffey Lake was rather quiet considering it was a weekend, testament…

  • Yukon 2020

    “North!!! …to Alaska???” by N&J

    Whistler, BC (Sep 12/20) – The 1960 Johnny Horton song conjures up all sorts of imagery and nostalgia of yearning for adventure, discovery & travel …but COVID-19 has other ideas in mind, so N&J do what they can within the limits of Be Calm, Be Kind, Be Safe….. Along with their great friends and fellow Westfalia disciples Chris & Olivier (C&O), decided a trip North is timely, albeit Alaska won’t be on the menu due to the travel (and political) restrictions. The Yukon Territory is welcoming British Columbians (part of the bubble consisting of BC, Yukon, Nunavut & N.W.T.) without the ‘quarantine restrictions’ that apply to visitors from anywhere else.…