• Christmas

    “Happy Christmas 2021” by N&J

    Whistler, BC (Dec 25/2021) – Well almost another year has passed, another year of abbreviated ‘pandemic’ travel and gatherings. Tough times bring tough choices, but considering the plight of many others who are less fortunate than those of us who live here (whether that be in the Village of Whistler, in the Province of British Columbia, in our Canada) …we are all truly blessed. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery Christmas time is always a special place in Whistler, surrounded by mountains coated in snow, frozen lakes. clear star-filled skies & a village loaded with the seasonal spirit. N&J have decided to forgo…

  • Outdoors

    “Sh’room Tales & Bike Trails” by N&J

    Whistler, BC (Dec 15/2021) – With the Covid-19 mindset continuing, forests in BC literally ablaze all summer and autumn rivers & streams flooding over …meant digging deep to the challenge that ‘we don’t always get what what we want’. Feeling lost but still wanting to go in the right direction, N&J keep active while exploring new and exciting areas close to home. Spending more time at home rather than ‘on-the-road with Hobbes’ doesn’t mean all is boring… click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery Whistler & the surrounding area is blessed with loads of recreational ideas and opportunities. The multitude of endless hiking &…