• Roadtrip 2014

    “Oh! Canada” by N&J.

    Vancouver, BC (Oct 27/14)  –  The return to Canada happened at the Roosville crossing just south of Fernie, BC (near Cranbrook). Compared to last year when Canadian Border Services searched GIZMO for over 2 hours (found nothing… nothing to find), this time the crossing was made in less than 5 minutes. Irregardless the CBS people have always been very respectful & polite as they go about their duties. After a brief shopping stop in Cranbrook, the destination was the sleepy mountain town of Kimberley, BC. where a scrumptous dinner at the Mozart Brew Pub was had. The town is definitely in-between seasons as the streets were very quiet & dark,…

  • Roadtrip 2014

    “Highway to the Danger Zone” by N&J.

    Eureka, Montana (Oct 16/14)  –  It soon was very apparent to these travelers that something was definitely askew by the amount of white crosses along the highway. Montana has taken upon itself to install markers anywhere a highway motor vehicle death has occurred. WOW!!! The carnage is unbelievable. Astonished by the sheer numbers of crosses in such a short distance, N&J started counting and clocking the distance.  Over a 100 mile stretch and losing count after 100 it was obvious that a ‘person per mile’ has died along the bi-ways. Most of the crosses would be near corners & areas with double solid lines, obviously drivers are passing where they…

  • Roadtrip 2014

    “In Hot Water… AGAIN !!!” by N&J.

    Gardiner, Montana (Oct 13/14)  –  Traveling north through the State of Wyoming embracing the rolling hills, scenic visuals and the warm sunshine made for a pleasant drive. Tunes playing on the radio, Jesse snuggling on the co-pilot’s lap. Hobbes continuing to have ‘leakage’ (oil), nothing insurmountable but it definitely requires continuous monitoring. The long journey of the last couple days meant N&J needed some quality ‘shower’ time, so a visit to the hot springs in Thermopolis, WY was a must. Same place was visited last year, an incredible facility… free too! The Native American people who had discovered it, agreed to turn the natural spring over to the state park…