• Celebration

    “Honey! …would you look at that Moon!” by N&J.

    Ross Lake, Wa (Jun 24-Jul 07/14)  –  Honeymoon to be remembered… Nope, not what you think. Considering N&J invited half of the entire free world to join up at N’s secret place to go camping after their nuptials. And no one let them down, they came in droves. No complaining from N&J though, all had a blast. The weather was hot & sunny, the lake was refreshing, the nightly campfires, the BBQ’s… what is there to complain about. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery Most special was that N’s young nieces Haley & Addison stayed with us for almost the entire 2 weeks.…

  • WJ News

    “Our 2 Minutes of Fame” by N&J.

    Vancouver, BC (Aug 16/14)  –  What do they say about having your ’15 minutes of fame’? …well this should only take you 2 minutes to read. N was contacted a short while back from a chap who writes for the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) wanting to do a story on Westfalia camper vans, the people who live the life, what it all means. Check out the story at this link to learn more about the ‘van’ N&J love to call home. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20140813-dont-call-it-hippie-van *** BBC link currently broken, attempting to update ***