• Christmas

    “Ho Ho Ho !!!” by N&J

    Whistler, BC (Dec 24/22) – It has been quite the year of travel & experience for N&J (and Jesse). Getting back in the saddle after the past few years of Covid, although it is not exactly gone <sigh>, has been both exciting & nerve-wracking… to say the least. “To wear or not to wear a mask, that is the question”. Since the upgrade of HOBBES to a 4×4 (Syncro) with its improved reliability to travel on backroads, has become a pleasure to explore new horizons… so much more to see when you leave the paved road behind. Jesse’s health challenges of the past year (urinary blockages) seem to have stabilized,…

  • Christmas

    “Happy Christmas 2021” by N&J

    Whistler, BC (Dec 25/2021) – Well almost another year has passed, another year of abbreviated ‘pandemic’ travel and gatherings. Tough times bring tough choices, but considering the plight of many others who are less fortunate than those of us who live here (whether that be in the Village of Whistler, in the Province of British Columbia, in our Canada) …we are all truly blessed. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery Christmas time is always a special place in Whistler, surrounded by mountains coated in snow, frozen lakes. clear star-filled skies & a village loaded with the seasonal spirit. N&J have decided to forgo…

  • Summer 2015

    “Itchy Feet” by N&J.

    Vancouver, BC (Dec 20/15)  –  For those who keep tabs on N&J through this blog, it is very apparent they didn’t travel too far in 2015. Yes indeed they had a few local camp trips. But nothing like the long journeys from the previous two seasons, travel encompassing multiple US states & a few Canadian provinces… click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery They returned to the site of last year’s honeymoon for N&J, on Ross Lake in Washington State. This time enjoying the summer heat for three weeks, it was incredible weather. Luckily avoided any conditions brought by the drought-like weather patterns, forest fires…

  • WJ News

    “A New Season” by N&J.

    Vancouver, BC (Jul 25/15)  –  It has been quite a while since N&J’s last post at Christmas. They have been very busy doing upgrades to their ‘city home’ in Vancouver; a new kitchen is just one of the many changes along with new LED lighting. The patio garden has been prodded & poked, a large veggie garden added in the corner allowing us to grow their own food. Jesse (the cat & reigning monarch) has settled in quite nicely, he is now exploring the outside deck of his abode under the watchful eye of his parents (servants). He especially loves to hide among the rhodos and the other foliage that…

  • Christmas

    “Christmas at Home” by N&J.

    Vancouver, BC (Dec 20/14)  –  Almost 2 months since N&J returned from their roadtrip… Life at home is hectic compared to living on the road in Hobbes. Certainly enjoying the facilities though… especially the shower when you want it. But life in a Westfalia camper van is very blissful, little to worry about (where is the next free WiFi ?), everything you have & need is contained within the van… and life on the road is filled with the most amazing people you meet along the way. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery Re-adjusting to life at home has been fun too. The…