• Roadtrip 2014

    “We Got a Burning Desire” by N&J.

    Black Rock City, Nevada (Sep 01/14)  –  Yes that time has rolled by again… Burning Man 2014 (BM). Last year was the first time for both N&J attending BM (as friends)… this time they are more than that, waaaay more than that, they are married!!! Preparations well under way, Hobbes has been readied for the journey, all systems go… BM clothing & costumes, tents, playa survival gear such as vinegar, eye drops, dust masks, and cases of baby wipes are stuffed into every nook & cranny. Thank goodness they have the small trailer (Calvin) to take on the extra load. The last trip to Black Rock City in Nevada was…

  • Roadtrip 2013

    “Goodbyes” by N&J

    BRC, Nevada (Sep 2/13)  –  After spending most of yesterday hanging out with ‘old friends’ around camp and saying goodbyes; it is time to tear down the Reverbia Camp and the camp around Gizmo… in preparation for the ‘great exodus’ (60,000+ leaving at the same time). The exit line-ups can be 8-10 hours!!! The Burning Man (BM) officials issued a warning that a substantial rain storm was to happen on Monday around noon. If that happened, nobody would be allowed to drive anywhere in Black Rock City… the water would make it a greasy, slippery quagmire. So the race was on to get the encampment down as soon as possible……

  • Roadtrip 2013

    “The Man Burns – WTF?” by N&J

    BRC, Nevada (aug 31/13)  –  As the week wore on, some conditions in the camp deteriorated. On Saturday morning, awoken to no electricity to run Gizmo’s fridge (warm beer!?!); J (being part of the electrical team) investigated and found that the massive 85 kilowatt diesel generator which provided power to the Reverbia Camp and an adjacent camp had stopped… it was out of fuel. After scrounging up some extra diesel, the generator was restarted on a limited basis. Sufficient enough to quench the playa ‘beer cough’. The large water tank used to supply the kitchen, drinking & shower supply had also run dry… awaiting water delivery that never happened. This…

  • Roadtrip 2013

    “Camp Life” by N&J

    BRC, Nevada (aug 26/13)  –  ‘Leave No Trace’ a term we often hear back home; but here it is for real, everyone lives it. Nothing… will be left behind. Whether it be waste water, garbage, recycling, or a ‘dry leaf’ that hitchhiked in the propane tanks, everything must be removed when leaving. It’s called MOOP (matter out of place). Wherever you go in Burning Man (BM) you will find no litter… none. And yet there are no trash bins anywhere to be found… you take back to your camp refuse bag what you bring along. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery In the…

  • Roadtrip 2013

    “Welcome Home” by N&J

    BRC, Nevada (aug 26/13) – Finally after what seemed like eternity, traveling from Eugene OR to Black Rock City NV… N waiting in the line-up to get their Burning Man passes. The initiation by the ‘playa greeter’… dust angels in the sand and the ringing of the bell to enter into Utopia… N&J are now officially burners! click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery The life of comfort and cleanliness are left behind, but that doesn’t seem to matter… there is something very unique, almost magical happening here. Only after a few minutes on the playa there is a difference felt in the mind…

  • Roadtrip 2013

    “Beer Cough” by N&J

    Eugene, OR (aug 23/13)  –  Muscles aching and dry coughs due to ‘lack of beer’, N&J are ready to hit the road. It has been a very long day for both. Trucks have been loaded up with 5+ tons of live music gear, food and an entire kitchen rig. Went out on our last minute shopping (more like last 5 hours of shopping)… more tarps, lemons, water, gas, propane, liquor, etc… and a new GoPro Hero HD Cam for N (perfect for capturing the sights & sounds at BM!!!). Whatever needs we have, need to get it now; there are no ‘corner stores’ on the playa at Burning Man (BM).…

  • Roadtrip 2013

    “We Are the Eggman!” by N&J

    Eugene, OR (aug 22/13)  –  The reality of this journey is taking shape as N&J head off into the unknown, curiosity and excitement keeps the focus on the road ahead. The I-5 to Eugene is pretty uneventful other than the dusty billowing clouds emanating from the busy farmers bringing in their crops. Upon seeing this N&J look at each other in astonishment realizing that they will be living in those dust clouds once on the playa at Burning Man (BM)… “What have they done”?!  A good laugh about this and they carry on. The day getting sticky and hot, N&J find a private spot along the Willamette River to take a…