Roadtrip 2013

“Goodbyes” by N&J

BRC, Nevada (Sep 2/13)  –  After spending most of yesterday hanging out with ‘old friends’ around camp and saying goodbyes; it is time to tear down the Reverbia Camp and the camp around Gizmo… in preparation for the ‘great exodus’ (60,000+ leaving at the same time). The exit line-ups can be 8-10 hours!!! The Burning Man (BM) officials issued a warning that a substantial rain storm was to happen on Monday around noon. If that happened, nobody would be allowed to drive anywhere in Black Rock City… the water would make it a greasy, slippery quagmire. So the race was on to get the encampment down as soon as possible… didn’t want to be stuck here for maybe 2-4 extra days waiting while the ground dried out.

Tool belts on, drills in hand, and ladders to climb were instrumental in dismantling the live music stage and the ‘ginseng cover’ over one of the encampments. Hot sweaty and extremely tired, then took on the task of taking apart the kitchen and loading up the 5 ton truck. After 13 hours of solid work and watching the temple quickly burn to the ground, we’re ready to make the rush for the gates. Only 3 hours later (1am) N&J were on solid ground again! Pulled over and slept for the night because Gizmo’s headlight relay system decided to take a break after 26 years. The next morning met another burner who left 30 minutes after N&J and was in the exit line-up for 12 hours!!!

Reflecting back on their time here on the playa, are blown away by the BM culture of giving freely, atonement with others, and freedom without borders and judgement. Blessed with this experience, desire is to bring forth the principles of Burning Man into everyday life.

Well rested and on the road again, N&J are excited to begin the next leg of this adventure… stay tuned!

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