“Welcome Home” by N&J
BRC, Nevada (aug 26/13) – Finally after what seemed like eternity, traveling from Eugene OR to Black Rock City NV… N waiting in the line-up to get their Burning Man passes. The initiation by the ‘playa greeter’… dust angels in the sand and the ringing of the bell to enter into Utopia… N&J are now officially burners!
click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery
The life of comfort and cleanliness are left behind, but that doesn’t seem to matter… there is something very unique, almost magical happening here. Only after a few minutes on the playa there is a difference felt in the mind and the spirit. All are united as one and work as a team with camp, working all day to unload the kitchen supplies and set up what will be the life line for the next week. Amongst 68,000 people, it is still a small world, “Ali” who lives in N’s condo building back at home is running camp Reverbia. Have talked more in a matter of minutes than have in 4 years since she moved in!!!
Almost instantly within camp N is given a playa name by “Buzz”… N wearing home made tie-dyed heart t-shirt, super stoked about painting her bike gold to go with the gold coloured clothes and accessories. Buzz tells N she has a nice aura around her, then lights up saying ‘Au’ is for gold and your name is now “Aura”. N is very happy with this! N christened J with the playa name “Gembe” <gem-bay> because he plays the drum (Djembe) and he is a sweety.
So with new names, N&J venture out on their decorated bicycles to meet fellow burners. Don’t make it very far before they are at a clothing boutique trying on clothes. The motto “take whatever you want and leave behind clothing that you don’t want”. Gembe and Aura walk out with a little lacey skirt which N insist that they will share! Next stop at “Dr. Playa’s Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic”, with clean ears, aromatherapy in their nostrils and a shot of pineapple vodka, now have been given a clean bill of health. A pedal or two along, are invited to Camp Champagne, and with champagne in hand they toast to their great fortune in being here! Next stop the aluminum can recycling depot. Cans are tossed into the contraption and are crushed by a stationary bikes pedal power. This may not sound interesting, but watched the aluminum being melted down then pressed into small necklace medallions, personally stamped with the Burning Man ‘Cargo Cult 2013’ emblem. Riding off with treasures around their necks, Gembe says “Burning Man is the greatest thing I have ever done”. N&J are both so happy.