WJ News

WELCOME …to the ‘NEW’ Westfalia Journal !!!

Mar 13/22 – After almost 9 years living on the old WJ platform (westfaliajournal.wordpress.com), this blog has gotten ‘too big for it’s britches’… so an update was in order to increase the performance & speed, plus more space for post, pics & videos. There are many new features added… larger pics, links to places of interest, better functionality with all devices (laptops, tablets, phones, etc…). It has taken two months to transfer all the data from the old website & incorporate into the new website, it has been tested, tested & tested some more. But something may have been missed, if you notice an error or problem please send N&J a comment…

To our LOYAL READERS, while preparing for the move to the new platform, it was discovered that the posts written for the California trip in 2014 were NEVER posted!?! (something like the Dead Sea Scrolls, or the Lost Lennon Tapes) …to catch up you can read those here California 2014.

Hope you enjoy the new digs!!!

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