Roadtrip 2013

“The Rhino, and the Meerkat” by N&J

BRC, Nevada (aug 30/13)  –  N&J attended a couple of presentations at TEDx ‘Black Rock City’ to hear what changes (or what could be changed) with the current status quo of our planet Earth. Some incredible presenters discussed the possibilities of extending human lifespan, shape shifting, embracing environmental challenges, inter-planetary travel, etc… along with an amazing outlook on what the common person can do to bring about change. Be the visionary or be the doer, the spokes of the wheel working as one.

click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery

Off to explore more events, cycle over to the “Shamandome”. N&J are greeted with a sage cleansing of the heart, mind, soul, and physical body. Upon entering the tent they meet the Shaman who will look deeply into their eyes and tell what their spirits wants them to know. The transformation that the Shaman goes through when connecting with our collective souls is profound, he tells of very personal things and encourages each to get in touch with their animal side.

The Rhino, one of strength and power, yet sensitive with the tiniest of all birds rests on his back. The horn can be piercing, the horn can be like a glorious burning light filled with love and greatness. Crystal quartz a symbol representing this light is given by the Shaman. “You must get in touch with your Totem” he tells ‘Aura’ (N).

‘Gembe’ (J), the ‘Meerkat’ is one of community and being together as one. The Shaman goes on to explain that in a past life there were many riches and beautiful things found and it is like being at the bottom of the sea with treasures in hand, but in order to surface the large rock holding you down that you carry with you must be dropped… “the time has come to rise to achieve further achievement & exploration”.

N&J are both extremely moved by the experience and pedal back to camp in silence…

Thursday was the first evening for the initial ‘burn’ of some smaller structures on the playa. Quite a spectacle indeed… from the sidelines it looked like major bonfires spread throughout. Riding their bikes out to join the thousands of people witnessing this yearly ritual. Culminating with the grand ‘Burning Man’ blaze to occur on Saturday. Followed on Sunday by the burning of The Temple, which has been said is the most solemn and impactful burn. In The Temple people are embracing, and tears are flowing… have witnessed people finding their solace, meeting their pain, and saying goodbye to loved ones lost.

Activities in the evening are very busy at the Reverbia Camp. Along with the usual camp life, the main stage really swung into action with non-stop Jamaican music playing to the masses on the playa. Donning a cuddly lion suit & a gruff bear suit, N&J were part of the dancing hysteria!!!


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