• Canada 2019

    “Six Degrees of Separation” by N&J

    Harrington, Maine (Sep 27/19) – Overjoyed with excitement to be in the beauty of the historic town of Baddeck NS, visiting the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site, N&J woke with a bounce in their step and smiles on their faces, the experience was as much fascinating as it was educational. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery “Mr. Watson, come here, I need you” were the first words ever spoken on a telephone (after Bell accidentally spilled hydrochloric acid on his clothes & Watson his assistant was in the other room). One would automatically assumes Alexander Graham Bell’s major invention was the ‘telephone’,…

  • Canada 2019

    “Three Provinces in as Many Days” by N&J

    Pictou, NS (Sep 11/19) – Upon deeper reflection after leaving Quebec, left N&J with an impression of a class of perfectionism; honour and pride of belongings and property. Each township showcasing finely manicured homes & properties, without a fault, massive expanses of carefully mowed lawns, perfectly happy flowers, nothing out of place. Driving the secondary roads allowed N&J to witness the Quebec countryside at a leisurely pace, in “Hobbes style”… to see up close what rural life is like in ‘la belle province’, the slow pace, the quiet beauty and relaxing nature of it all. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery While leaving…