“HOT!!! …Waaaaaay too Hot” by N&J
Whistler, BC (Jun 27/2021) – The ongoing heat wave is intense (+40C), thankfully made easier sitting beside Lake Tuc-el-nuit. Camping with friends & family (Covid precautions observed) at the Lakeside Resort in Oliver, BC, beautifully kept campsite, lots of shady trees, surround by grass & a nice sandy beach.
The excitement of seeing family, perculating over the last year and a half, hitting crescendo proportions over the days and weeks leading up to this beach side get together. The intense wind seemingly unaware of the magnificent importance of this family gathering raged on. Spirits not dampened by the intense heat and unrelenting gale force winds was like a sign of what can be endured during these times of “modern strife” when the prize is togetherness again with family….smiles, laughter, and lots of hugs 🙂
click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery

The lake was warm & clear. Mind you the constant wind was either a blessing (cooling effect), or a hindrance (water rough & difficult to paddle). Thankfully the closeness of the lake is convenient for repeated swims to cool off in such extreme heat.
Fellow Westfalia/Whistler friends Kim & Gord (K&G) who live just around the corner were camped right beside N&J… suggested this campground as a meeting place. A great choice considering the current weather.

Smiles all around with family now back together again…

Of course no camping trip would not be complete without a massive cookout…

After 3 days on the beach it was decided to cut short the trip over concern for Jesse (his fur jacket was not helping), so N&J left early. Jesse not being happy is a complete understatement, and he let his voice be heard all the way from Oliver to the Duffy (about 5 hours), with Jesse’s sore throat and N&J’s stressed ear drums this trio ended up back at Rogers Creek Rec Site (where the trip started) for the evening. The cold river water helped cool down the night air & made for a pleasant sleep…

Early departure in the ‘coolness’ of the morning ensured the return home before the real extreme heat. Turned out shortly after arriving home, the Lillooet River breached its banks near Pemberton and covered Hwy 99 closing the route until further notice…that would make for a ‘very long hot’ trip back to Whistler on the alternate route (via Lillooet, Hope & Vancouver).

UPDATE: Since this post was written, the village of Lytton, BC was destroyed by a wildfire (possibly started inadvertently by a passing freight train). The incredible heat (all-time Canadian record high of 49.7 degrees C.), dry, parched conditions & high, gusty winds made for a perfect storm that nothing could stop. In hindsight, N&J’s early return to Whistler was a blessing in disguise, now knowing of the ‘over-the-top’ temperatures that exist in Western Canada, add in the wildfires, lingering smoke & flooding…the risk to N&J and especially Jesse’s existence would have been very real.
One Comment
Carole Coulombe
So great to be free again and see the family and friends. Thank you for sharing your adventures in beautiful BC!