Roadtrip 2013

“We Are the Eggman!” by N&J

Eugene, OR (aug 22/13)  –  The reality of this journey is taking shape as N&J head off into the unknown, curiosity and excitement keeps the focus on the road ahead. The I-5 to Eugene is pretty uneventful other than the dusty billowing clouds emanating from the busy farmers bringing in their crops. Upon seeing this N&J look at each other in astonishment realizing that they will be living in those dust clouds once on the playa at Burning Man (BM)… “What have they done”?!  A good laugh about this and they carry on. The day getting sticky and hot, N&J find a private spot along the Willamette River to take a dip and scrub the stink off.

click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery

Pulling up at Erik’s house in Eugene they are welcomed by three friendly cats on the porch of a quaint older home with lots of character, feels much like Vancouver’s Commercial Drive. The excitement and passion Erik has for cooking is evident in the fact that his whole place is pretty much nothing but kitchen and cooking supplies. He takes us for a tour and shows us his organic garden ‘on steroids’. A green thumb and a lot of love, his garden is beautiful. Erik will feed a camp of 150 for 10 days at Burning Man. It is overwhelming to see it all in action but Erik is pretty chilled and unmoved by it all…. he puts N&J to work cracking 150 DOZEN eggs!  (N held back and didn’t start a food fight 🙂

Camping out on the street in front of Erik’s house gave them the opportunity to meet his friends and the people in the neighbourhood. With many passer-bys saying “whoohoooburningman” and “peace”.  A white piece of paper on Gizmo’s windshield!!! …groan with the thought of a parking ticket only to be thrilled by a note from fellow burners wishing well and reminding of the three rules (see photo). Feel very at ease and welcome.

Tomorrow will be another day of loading up the trucks with last minute preparations and hopefully a nap thrown in.  Leaving at 5pm tomorrow night to avoid the heat and to arrive early on the playa will be no easy task.  A convoy of 5 trucks including Gizmo (the Westfalia) will stay as a pack on the journey. Natural hot springs along the way will refresh and energize them.


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