“New York City!!!” by N&J
New York, NY (Oct 23/18) – Traveling in the USA has not been top of mind for most Canadians considering the ongoing political shenanigans down south (agent-orange-in-chief), but if you were to venture below the 49th parallel… New York City is one of those places that you should visit. It feels like a different country, one where liberal values are alive & well, where you feel welcome (still) no matter what your skin colour, your authenticity, your birthplace. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery N&J’s journey started at YVR (Vancouver’s airport) where N surprised J with a treat, no longer to be ‘imprisoned’…
“Canyoneering” by N&J.
Zion National Park, Utah (Sep 26/14) – The intense ‘dead’ heat of the Las Vegas area was the prime initiator of N&J’s travel to Zion… the trek made easy by the lure of the red mountains on the horizon. The park’s high elevation brought slightly cooler temperatures, but the scenery did not disappoint. The red coloured sandstone mountains are stunning. After the past weeks of travel in drought-prone desert locales, the intense colours and green foliage is a most welcome addition. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery Again it was a ’no vacancy’ situation in the park. The amount of visitors to the…