• Roadtrip 2014

    “Plastic Neon USA !!!” by N&J.

    Las Vegas, Nevada (Sep 28/14)  –  The visit to Las Vegas was a first for J. Not so for N, this was her childhood home before moving to Canada. It was an honour to be celebrating N&J’s friend Pam’s 50th Birthday at the Mon Ami Gabi restaurant (amazing meal, amazing party). The Vancouver contingency of 20 plus people kept the restaurant servers and casino dealers hopping. Seeing ‘the strip’ is quite an eye opener considering the excessive ‘over the top’ marquis, the hotels, the casinos, the lights, the sounds… the HEAT!!! Staying in a hotel was a survival tactic, no way sleeping in Hobbes would have been possible. Clean sheets,…

  • Roadtrip 2014

    “Canyoneering” by N&J.

    Zion National Park, Utah (Sep 26/14)  –  The intense ‘dead’ heat of the Las Vegas area was the prime initiator of N&J’s travel to Zion… the trek made easy by the lure of the red mountains on the horizon. The park’s high elevation brought slightly cooler temperatures, but the scenery did not disappoint. The red coloured sandstone mountains are stunning. After the past weeks of travel in drought-prone desert locales, the intense colours and green foliage is a most welcome addition. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery Again it was a ’no vacancy’ situation in the park. The amount of visitors to the…

  • Roadtrip 2014

    “HeeHaw!” by N&J.

    St. George, Utah (Sep 18/14)  –  After much discussion, it was decided to forgo driving through Death Valley and drive the route north of the National Park. The elevation gains (climb 5000’ in 13 miles) & the intense heat were too daunting of a task for Hobbes.  As it turned out the alternate route was quite a climb, but it was incredible. Bristlecone pine trees (some as old as 4000 years old), look gnarley & distorted among the rocky white desert. The winding road to the top was very steep, the canyons narrow (at one point the highway was 1 lane only through a gap in the rock). Traveling down…