“On the Way Back Home” by N&J.
Vancouver, BC (Oct 28/13) – The wheels pointing west and sights set on getting closer to home, through Idaho and Washington States, eventually crossing the border into Canada at Nelway (north of Spokane, Wa) into the Kootenays. With tempered smirks upon their faces, anticipating the challenge facing us at the border, we gleefully reply to the border agents inquisition. The windows of Gizmo covered with ‘hippy’ writings of “Peace, Love, Burner Van” and a set of elk antlers on the top of the roof… what a sight!
click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery

Needless to say N&J were completely searched (well maybe NOT completely, no rubber gloves were required). Gizmo was ‘torn’ apart and every knook & cranny was inspected. Receipts gone through and tallied up, medications inspected, dirty clothes rummaged through, computers opened while sitting curb side watching the agents confident they ‘had us’! N&J’s cheekiness subdued out of respect, waiting patiently, chuckling should have worn our PJ’s… two hours later… they found… NOTHING!!! (there was nothing to find).
Throughout the whole ordeal the Canada Customs people were very courteous, thorough, even offering to assist putting the van back together.

Excited to be free of the border and with our crazy antics now back up to full speed, arrive at friends house in Salmo, BC dressed in lion & bear outfits (underneath wearing PJ’s… of course!!!). Over a delectable dinner had a lot of laughs and great discussion regarding travels. Crashed for the evening in the ‘Gizmo Motel’, then after an equally great breakfast, ventured northward.
Nelson BC, a personal favourite for both, was in fine form on Saturday. The weather was crisp & dry, perfect for exploring Baker Street (Nelson’s main thoroughfare). With a multitude of shops to peruse, it is certainly a great way to spend the day. Both particularly keen to check out ‘Bent Over Leather’, a Halloween costume shop and with Halloween just around the corner, were able to come up with more costumes for the Halloween Party at the Hume Hotel that very night.
The next day hit the road for Vancouver. Driving the mountain passes, with the snow line just hovering above N&J’s heads, it was not too soon to be traversing the BC Provincial landscape. Stopping in the Okanagan for the last bits of fruit for the season. As N&J came closer to the coast, the rain & wind made for lousy driving conditions, so stayed overnight in Hope. The next morning, with conflicted emotions and the Fraser Valley pulling us closer to the coast were greeted with beautiful sunshine… a nice way to return back to their hometown…. Vancouver.
After 15,000 km are grateful for Gizmo’s incredible performance through the heat, the cold, the high elevations, those long, long hill climbs. Could not ask for a better supporting cast member, then N’s beloved Gizmo… well done!!! As chance would have it, upon return Giz came down with a really bad cold, chugging, spewing, hiccuping, wheezing… what Giz really needs is a well deserved rest, a bubble-bath, and maybe a tune-up for good measure.
Closing in on the end of N&J’s ‘epic journey’, time to reflect back on the wonderful experiences along the open road.
Is this really the end??? …Think again.

Welcome home:)
I will miss the regular reports. You should consider continuing the blog for whatever reason until your next great adventure.
Westfalia Journal
We have taken your advice seriously…