• Canada 2019

    “Masterpiece of Change” by N&J

    Oakville, ON (Oct 01/19) – The east coast of Maine is painted with cute harbours, quaint villages, vistas galore (hard to see every nook and cranny, you would need to live here to do it justice). A good choice of ‘so many’ would be Bar Harbour. This tourist mecca & looky-loo’s delight is chock-a-block full of shops & restaurants, narrow sidewalks & colourful buildings. The intimate harbours expand out to the various islands, pleasure craft boats abound, cruise ships anchored off shore while their charges wander the town. click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery Jesse even took time from his busy vacation schedule…

  • Canada 2019

    “Full Circle” by N&J

    Wheatley, ON (Oct 02/19) – Back in the the summer of 2017, August it was… commenced on a road trip with N’s dad Rocky. Hobbes was loaded specifically for an extra participant, sleeping arrangements were adjusted & off the four of them went with the plan to explore the Kootenays of British Columbia. In this case Rocky (who was in his 80’s) slept in the main berth on the ‘main floor’ of Hobbes; N&J slept in the upper bunk & Jesse slept anyplace he darn well felt like… roaming the van, keeping a watchful eye on all of the occupants. Rocky very cozy and so excited to be part of…

  • Canada 2019

    “Thank You!” by N&J

    Whistler, BC (Oct 08/19) – The ‘turn around’ is both a physical and an emotional transition. No longer venturing to explore and see what is ahead but to return back to B.C. safely and in one piece. Plans of life in a bigger space with the luxuries of living at home take root, the draw to return is intense (like horses running back towards the barn). click on pic to enlarge – right/left arrow to scroll thru the gallery The road in southern Ontario was arduous, filled with proverbial potholes (and real ones too), raining incessantly, the wind always in Hobbes’ face… is it always blowing in the east??? After…